Thursday, August 6, 2009

What's the oldest database on your server?

So I was looking at databases today and just glanced at the creation dates. I was shocked at the age of one of the mail files on my server. Now we've been using Notes since 1994, but I never expected to see this. It's a database that I've used since I took control of the environment in 2003, but it never occurred to me to see when it was created. (See image Below)

Mine is 6/02/1994 - So, what's the oldest database you have running on your server? Post your replies and lets see who has the oldest file still in production today!



  1. Client Information created: 06/20/1995. Used daily.
    Jo Ann

  2. A customer I lost track of (but recently reacquired) is still using a CRM database I built in R1.1 back c. 1990. Next time I'm on-site I'll check the date. Unfortunately they are now in the process of moving to MS CRM

  3. Iris original discussion db from R1.0 or beta of it would be THE oldest, and still in usage today.
    Personally I have files going back since I got involved back in 93.

  4. 24-06-1992. Not used daily, but still used.

  5. I found the IconCat.nsf The oldest document was created 07/31/1990, a mail icon. This is from the Help About:
    Database Policy

    Icon Catalog

    For Database Users

    Who will use this database?
    Anyone who wants to copy an icon, or contribute icons for others to use. Default access is Author. The database manager is ?

    What does this database do?
    This Catalog serves as a collection of Notes Database Icons. You can add your own creations or borrow others.

    Why use this database?
    You can save time in setting up your databases since, if you're not artistically inclined, you can find good looking icons for your applications without having to create them from scratch. Those who are good pixel artists can share their creations.

    For Demoers and Developers

    Important Features

    - Graphics support and the flexibility of rich text fields - you can put more than one icon in each document, and you can include text comments.
