Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Spiritual e-Mail and IM

So, I was thinking this morning on my way to work and reflecting on the message that Pastor Todd (The Pastor of my church)had this weekend about Jonah and his prayers. When Jonah was at his lowest point he didn't take time to say a long prayer; he just prayed. So that got me to thinking about the types of prayer we use and how it relates to what I do for a living; I came up with this. I think there are two types of prayer, "e-Mail" and "Instant Message." The e-Mail prayers are the one's we say before we eat dinner or when someone has an illness or financial need. They are well thought out and convey a message in as much detail as possible. The IM's, on the other hand, are simple by comparison. They are the quick prayers we say when time is short. They are the one's we say just before we get into a car accident or just before we take a test. The best part is God always has his e-Mail client AND IM client open. What's even better than that is God doesn't use a SPAM filter or Mail Rule that puts our prayer's into a spiritual "Junk Mail" folder. He treats them both as important and unlike me, he actually reads all of his mail and messages. I'm pretty sure he has a rather large server for storage of messages, so he never needs to delete them to free up space.

Either one is a great way to communicate, but if you never sit at the keyboard and type, how will God ever hear your message? Your prayer's will never make it to his "Inbox" or IM Pop-up if you don't take the time to"write the message".

Oh, two more thoughts. First, Did you ever have an idea ( Like This One) that just popped into your head? That's God's IM to you! Don't ignore it!

Second, God has a Blog, it contains all the stuff that he feels is important for us to read. It's called the Bible! In the past he had a website called the Old Testament, but he upgraded it to a Blog when he added the New Testament!

Have a great day everyone!

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